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Factors Clients Should Think About When Hiring a Springfield Criminal Defense Attorney

A tiny fraction of defense attorney say they have won 90 percent of their cases. Although this sounds impressive, it is not necessarily a good reason to hire a Springfield criminal defense attorney. criminal attorney who have been charged with a crime must consider how that high win rate is actually accomplished.

People must realize that attorneys with this kind of track record typically focus mainly on misdemeanors. Acquittal for misdemeanors is easier to achieve than acquittal for felony charges. In addition, some defense attorneys only accept felony cases they are almost certain they can win. Another Springfield criminal defense attorney might accept some really difficult cases as a commitment to the Constitutional rights of all U.S. citizens to legal representation and a fair trial.

There is also the matter of plea bargains. More than 90 percent of criminal cases in the United States end with a plea deal between the prosecutor and the defense lawyer. The prosecution accepts a guilty plea in exchange for reduced charges or a lenient sentence. dui attorney include some plea bargains in their success rate. The deal may have technically been successful if it prevented incarceration, but the client still has a conviction on his or her criminal record.

Thus, determining a true rate of wins and losses for any Springfield criminal defense lawyer can be impossible. Winning at trial is obviously important, but many defendants do not want to go to trial. Many are grateful for a successful plea bargain and willing to accept the conviction in exchange for uninterrupted freedom. A defense attorney also sometimes can convince a judge to end a case before trial with a successful motion to dismiss. Another strategy that occasionally works is persuading the prosecution to drop charges altogether.

A defendant who does not want a plea bargain must hire a criminal defense lawyer in Springfield who is willing to proceed to trial and put forth substantial effort to win the case. Clients of a defense lawyer should expect that this attorney will conduct a thorough investigation of the case and analyze the evidence. Additional evidence in favor of the client may be discovered. Potential witnesses will be interviewed. The prosecution is required to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but often, a defense attorney essentially must prove that the prosecution has failed to accomplish this.